On 20th of March 2009 Warsaw Commuter Rail Ltd filed the Project Outline for the operation titled “Development of the public transport in Warsaw metropolitan area through improvement of the Warsaw Commuter Railway efficiency, reliability and safety” with the Office of the Implementing Authority for European Programmes to apply for co-financing with the funds of the Swiss-Polish Co-operation Programme within the framework of the open call for project proposals for the Focus Area “Rehabilitation and modernisation of basic infrastructure and improvement of the environment” – Objective 3 “Improvement of management, safety, efficiency and reliability of local/regional public transport systems”.
On that particular day the call for project proposals for the aforementioned focus area as well as for the focus area "Biodiversity, ecosystem protection and support for cross-border environmental initiatives" was closed. By that deadline project proposals had been submitted in the total number of 41 in response to the call for project proposals (which was launched on 19th of January 2009).
Under the area of public transport systems 11 project proposals were filed, while in the area of biodiversity 30 project proposals (exclusively the geographic concentration area) were filed with the Intermediate Body (the Implementing Authority for European Programmes). The project proposals were submitted for the formal assessment carried out by the Intermediate Body – the Implementing Authority for European Programmes.