On 21st of November 2011 the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) approved the Final Project Proposal titled “Development of the public transport in Warsaw metropolitan area through improvement of the Warsaw Commuter Railway efficiency, reliability and safety” prepared by Warsaw Commuter Rail Ltd. Thus, it was possible to take steps aimed at making appropriate agreements as well as required attachments for the Project. In the nearest future the following agreements were to be concluded:
- The Project Agreement – between the Swiss Confederation represented by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and the Republic of Poland represented by the Ministry for Regional Development (the National Co-ordination Unit for the Swiss-Polish Co-operation Programme).
- The Project Co-financing Implementation Agreement – between the Implementing Authority for European Programmes (the Intermediate Body for the Swiss-Polish Co-operation Programme) and Warsaw Commuter Rail Ltd (the Executing Agency for the Project).
Commencement of the former of these agreements – the Project Agreement was to take place before 14th of June 2012 that was the deadline to contract for expenditures within the framework of the Swiss-Polish Co-operation Programme, as governed by the Framework Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Poland and the Swiss Federal Council on implementation of the Swiss-Polish Co-operation Programme to reduce economic and social disparities within the enlarged European Union.