On 1st of June 2012, 8 subsequent agreements were concluded within the framework of the Swiss-Polish Co-operation Programme. The Agreements valued at 406.6 million zlotys were signed by the Deputy Minister for Regional Development, Mr Paweł Orłowski and the Swiss Ambassador in Poland, Mr Lukas Beglinger. They cover inter alia transport development, renewable energy, preventive health care and border protection. This means that within the Programme nearly 94 percent of financial allocation has already been allotted to projects. Poland has benefited from the Swiss financial assistance since 2007 and is the largest beneficiary to this end.

It is the first time when we sign such a large number of agreements with the Swiss Party at a time – said Paweł Orłowski, the Deputy Minister – These are important investments covering inter alia improvement of energy efficiency of hospitals in Małopolska and Mazowsze as well as  installation of solar collector in the Wisłoka River Basin, that will be implemented with the financial assistance from Switzerland.

Poland is the largest beneficiary of Swiss funds. Almost half of the total amount of the financial allocation of more than 1 billion Swiss Francs will be allotted to our country. The financial assistance from Switzerland is not only assigned to Poland but also to nine other European Union Member States that  joined the European Union on 1st of  May 2004.

So far Poland and Switzerland have signed 53 agreements overall to assign nearly 94 percent of the financial allocation within the framework of the Programme.

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Useful Links

Szwajcarsko-Polski Program Współpracy

Ministerstwo Infrastruktury i Rozwoju

Centrum Projektów Polska Cyfrowa